Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015


Indonesia is a superpower , with abundant natural resources and a population that is increasing every him into an asset Indonesian development towards developed countries . For all that, the need for competent education able to create the HR (Human Resources ) quality. Facilities and infrastructure must be a primary view of the scene of the development of the existing potential , educational facilities from elementary, junior high , high school / high school, HIGHER EDUCATION is one of the main important for shaping the character and menuntuaskan government issues . However takkalah importance of education who directs and teaches students to be leadership with entrepreneurial spirit .
The increasing demands by the growing number of population growth in Indonesia, our country is a country of rapid population growth number every year. With further increase the level perkembangn increasing population and non-staple staples that can make increasingly heavy government role in realizing the vision, namely the welfare of the people. Proven 67-year Indonesian independence has not sensed the impact that the welfare of the people but sebalikya. Unemployment is rampant everywhere, famine occurred in various parts of the country. Even in urban life became one of the main point of unemployment and the homeless who do not have proper shelter. Conflicts occur problems in this country, one of the problems that occur due to a lack of traction on the government's foreign parties who illegally enter our country to investment in this country. Land that should become the property of the community to be one of the government's pemenfaatan menanbah foreign exchange, namu empirically we need to know that behind all the tears of small communities and slowly biting abundant crops.
Without struck Indonesia has now become a soft target by foreign parties of the existing sectors. Indonesia is a country of strategic state because Indonesia is a country that recorded the equator, but it is also squeezed by two oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Already takheran again if Indonesia became an arena of rivalry memeng foreign countries to master. Former colonial memnbatu increasingly experienced by people who live in this country, already takwajar again jikalaumana padadasarnya our country far behind compared with other countries, such as America, China, Korea and Japan. The fact that there needs to be a strategy to eradicate the poverty that exist in this country as a role for menggangkat unemployment in this country, with the utilization of the available sub-sectors, namely by training into the souls of entrepreneurship. Will make a container that will later form the work place generates considerable revenue that can be neutralized most of the crime in this country. We have encountered a lot of information in the media of information through print, radio, television, and other media to highlight the contents of this dinegri. Such problems can not be denied again as Indonesian citizens.
 Latest issue
Indonesia is now further should prepare to face greater challenges, such as padahalnya in government leadership of President Jokowi said that at the end of the agreement tahun2015 will diadakanya countries belonging to ASEAN will be the official opening of the free market (MEA). The big question to be shadows for Indonesia. The extent to which preparations Jokowi government in facing the ASEAN COMMUNITY (MEA)? This froblem the act of contributing kedepanya. Because basically small communities that lay just go with the flow anyway enforce policies command center was silent and they also participate despite them will be cast into the abyss though. Hence the need for container to build and direct the nation's young successor to ably prepare future dive the world free market, namely the act of 1000 million contributed to creating a successful entrepreneur. If it gets a response from the government and jajaranya already barangtentu will get a good response to the welfare of society era kedepanya asean community.
 No nation more prosperous and respected nation without economic progress . Economic progress will be achieved if there is a strong entrepreneurial spirit of the nation . Developed countries generally have much more entrepreneurial than developing countries. United States for example has an entrepreneurial 11.5 % of the total population . The private sector as economic actors in America can contribute to the country's national income by 10 % in 1994. Singapore has the entrepreneur as much as 7.2 % of the total population . So naturally, if the economic developments in Singapore far exceeds sped other countries in ASEAN .
 Current conditions
Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources . Natural resources such as mining , agriculture , fisheries , animal husbandry and very fertile soil is the capital and strength for Indonesia to become a developed nation . However , with such potential , Indonesia has only 0.81 % of entrepreneurs . Though historically and consensus , a country ideally have at least 2 % of entrepreneurs in order to become a developed country . More irony again , according to statistical data BPS in 2010 the number of poor people in Indonesia reached 31.02 million , or approximately 13.33 % of the total population of Indonesia . In March 2009 , 63.38 % of the poor are located in rural livelihoods are largely farmers and farm workers , and the number increased to 64.23 % in March 2010. This shows that the percentage of poor people in rural areas did not change much during the period this .
 The next fact , Indonesia has the human resources that are very large , the amount ranks fourth in the world , where 27 % of them are young men who were important actors for the growth and development of innovation and creative culture . Youth has a strategic role for the growth and progress of the nation of Indonesia because they have high productivity in the community to work , create and innovate . Every year universities in Indonesia pass students , which means that thousands of research results produced by Indonesian youth . It is also a great potential for bangasa Indonesia to become a developed nation .

As a student idea Creators Nations Education Face To Pantaskan Indonesia Asean Community
With existing data that Indonesia has 27% are youth where youth is one of the main important for the progress of the Indonesian nation with the number of youth that quite a lot of this, potential for advancement Indonesia Raya. Thus until this moment was Indonesia is still in the economic downturn and the problems there are that many Indonesian entrepreneurs victorious in entrepreneurship, but after a few years later went bankrupt, so with this real froblem be measured by the extent to which progress Indonesia with foreign businessmen who where they are investing in this country can exsis and continue to grow with fame than most entrepreneurs homegrown. So it went bankrupt and eventually gulungtikar. This is due to the lack of good leadership in entrepreneurship on the other hand juangya power is weak. Sebenerya Indonesia has a million secrets that have not been realized. One is the important role of universities in this country as a whole has not been realized with programmed competent graduates to be ready to plunge create jobs. The important role that the major universities that educate students who are active without criminality in learning, social and freestyle can realize the vision of Indonesia namely the welfare of the people. With it all, students are required weeks to join in PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program) which will create an entrepreneurial experts, but the reality is that most of the students who have earned the capital and in the field is not fit pengaplikasianya denagan what is expected by the parties and the State Academic. A culture of fraud to cover up mistakes in doing it. Why does this happen? melatarbelahkangi factors that performance is still weak, soft skills which were lacking. The main factors experienced by students is a factor of capital, whereas the government has facilitated capital fund of programs every year open one PKM-K (keawirausahaan student program), and reinforced by PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program) and many others that support kekereativan students. With the existing program has facilitated the campus infrastructure and training that will be podasi in starting capital and entrepreneurship. With existing froblem, things that must be considered is how to create a competent soft skills?. First, the student should be required to follow the organization on campus or off campus that merucut on entrepreneurial expertise in both. So it will be able to run the business by good organizational system. Secondly, Learning by Doing, where students can neutralize the loss, disability, and folded. Third, discipline padadasarnya kediplinan are problems to be resolved, if the performance is not good (slow / weak) then the failure should be targeted. So by learning to organize, good knowledge, good social skills, communication Advancement smooth, fair-minded, environmentally friendly, professional discipline is reinforced by high then secured by passing conversation to be entrepreneurship.
Experience in many countries shows that the productivity of a country is largely determined by the ability of the human resources to manage the potential of its natural resources. Then to accelerate economic growth in Indonesia, in addition to government efforts that have been made, it is also necessary programs of social engineering and implementation of technology within the framework of community development-oriented poverty alleviation. The program is implemented through technology transfer programs for small and medium businesses as well as the strengthening of intermediary institutions and initiated by youth. Thus, according to the study authors, became a sosialteknopreneur a strategic role to contribute to minimize the poverty figures in Indonesia. Sosialteknopreneur activity in question is the author of populist economic movement in order to increase revenues to drive domestic consumption while increasing non-oil exports of the agribusiness sector, especially in rural areas. Research that so many would not have economic value if it is not adopted in the product or production process . Therefore sosialteknopreneur activities are activities that play a role in identifying comprehensively , providing funds , preparing technology , supporting the idea , and foster community spirit for entrepreneurship by utilizing natural resources in each region . If sosialpreneur work for the benefit of others after getting results , then a process sosialteknopreneur together since he started his business .
 Sosialteknopreneur activity in this case is not just an arena for-for capital, but it is a business system that is competitive, berkerakyatan, sustainable, and decentralized. Competitive means the business carried on not simply rely on the abundance of natural resources and labor, but market-oriented, productivity, utilization of technological innovation, and creativity of human resources. Berkerakyatan characterized by the use of natural resources owned by the people at large and making the community as the main actors of development efforts so that the results can be enjoyed together. Sustainable societies are characterized by the ability to respond to market changes quickly and efficiently, long-term oriented, innovation and development of environmentally friendly technologies continuously. While decentralized characterized by the utilization of the diversity of local resources, development of community creativity, and harmonious cooperation with local governments.
This activity requires a long process to show results as a sosialteknopreneur not just entrepreneurship and technology transfer but also moving to social change in the broader scope, namely in terms of culture, education, politics, and religion. Here it takes the idea of ​​how a sosialteknopreneur able to move people to make changes. Then a sosialteknopreneur ideally should have a spirit of leadership, responsibility to work directly in the community, able to motivate, lead directly with all the risks and able to protect people's lives.

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